Ginkaku-Ji Shrine
In Northern Higasiyama, Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436 – 1490), who was the 8th shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate and who reigned from 1449 to 1473 during the Muromachi period of Japan, built a villa in 1482. On his death, he arranged that the villa should become a shrine, known as the Ginkaku-Ji Shrine. This shrine falls under the Shōkoku School of Rinzai Zen. There are 15 major Renzai Zen schools.
It is regarded as one of the best gardens in Kyoto with ponds, thick mosses and Zen sand gardens.
We visited it on a somewhat gloomy day, so the pictures are not as good as I would have liked, but they still convey the beauty of the gardens.
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